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Online Resources for Kids During the Coronavirus Outbreak

Stuck at home with the kids because of the coronavirus pandemic? Yep, that’s all of us. Schools nationwide (and worldwide) have closed in response to COVID-19, and many parents (who are also supposed to keep working, btw!!) are now on the hunt for online activities and resources to teach and entertain their little ones.

We’ve come to a point where even the most die-hard anti-screen time among us have all thrown in the towel and say, “fuck it.” That’s right, the pandemic has forced us to push the pause button on the so-called “screen time debate,” and it turns out, there are actually a ton of resources that are not only fun and interactive, but also educational.

We compiled a list of mostly FREE (or inexpensive) resources that will challenge your little preschoolers and toddlers, keep them moving, and get their creative juices flowing. Enjoy, and good luck. As we’ve said in our other articles on the coronavirus, we’re #inthistogether. Let us know in the comments if you use any resources that we didn’t list on here.

Educational Resources

Creative Resources

Physical Activities


Virtual Tours

Here’s a list of all the field trips you can take virtually with your kids, from the San Diego Zoo to the Louvre to Mars (what??!)!

For parents with older school-aged children

Here’s a (VERY) thorough spreadsheet of all virtual learning resources you can use while your kids are At Home.

You can also follow “amazing educational resources” on Facebook for tips, funny anecdotes and more.

And here are a couple more websites to check out:

We hope this list helps you and your little ones have some fun during this unprecedented time. We will work to update this list regularly. So let us know in the comments if you have any recommendations. Thinking of y’all, super moms and super dads!


  1. Avatar of Carla

    This is incredibly helpful. Thank you so much for the time and effort you gave to compiling these all into one place!

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