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All Things Strollers: The Ultimate Guide

There are approximately 81 million different strollers out there. And every year there’s a hot, new brand on the market. Now, there are even wagons that act like strollers (stragons?). No wonder you’re confused when it comes to buying a stroller.

So what kind of stroller is best for you and your little one?

The Wide World of Strollers

Types of Strollers

It can be overwhelming to choose the “one and only” stroller; not to worry — we’ve done the research for you. This introduction gives you a big picture overview of all the different types of strollers available to you.

But first:

Strollers for Newborns

Looking for a stroller for a newborn? Please head over to registry basics. There, we cover:

  • Frame strollers: these are economical, lightweight, “wheels for your stroller.” They are particularly great for the first six months of baby’s life when you want to seamlessly transfer baby from car to stroller (and vice versa). They weigh very little and have massive storage. Learn more.
  • Full-size strollers: This is a synopsis of our top 10 favorite full size strollers of various types that are suitable for newborns and up. These are great if you want a stroller that can take you into the toddler and preschool years. Full-size strollers are usually bigger, heavier, and more expensive; but they also come with all the bells and whistles, and most of them are compatible with a variety of car seats. Learn more.

Umbrella Strollers

Are you tired of lugging around a heavy full-size stroller? It may be time to consider an umbrella stroller. Ideal for older babies and toddlers, umbrella strollers are light and compact, and they fold up into something that resembles a large golf umbrella.

Urban Strollers

If you want to zip effortlessly down crowded sidewalks and squeeze into tight shopping aisles, you’ll need a stroller designed for urban life.

City strollers are made to withstand long walks and the hustle and bustle of big cities. Oftentimes, they are designed for people who don’t have a car/don’t drive around a lot, like in suburbia.

City strollers range from lightweight and compact to full-size/all-terrain. They often have features like a larger canopy, better wheel suspension or an easy one-hand folding mechanism. These strollers tend to be more expensive, upscale and loaded with features.

Jogging Strollers

Whether you’re a marathon runner or someone who enjoys walking in the woods (or anywhere over rough terrain), there’s absolutely no reason you should stop doing that because you have kids in tow.

A jogging stroller is sure to be your sidekick to stay active after baby arrives. Jogging strollers have large, air-filled tires and are designed to absorb the impacts that come with speed and uneven terrain. They’re usually very stable and a breeze to push, but the heaviest (and largest!) type of stroller.

Reversible Strollers

Also known as “modular” strollers, reversible strollers have removable seats that allow you to choose the orientation of your child. As such, baby can face backward (great if you want to keep an eye on your little one) or out (hello, world!). Note that they tend to be heavier and more expensive.


No matter how great your stroller is (or how much it can hold), sometimes you just need a wagon. Kids wagons are great to tow your tots around while also carrying all your essentials — whether it’s for a picnic, a beach trip or all your Target purchases.

Veer Cruiser

They are often rugged, which means they can be pushed or pulled on rough surfaces and… well, they’re just super fun for the kids.

Traveling soon? Here are the travel strollers we love.

Ready to learn more about each stroller category? Keep on reading to find your little one’s first ride now!

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